Friday, June 22, 2007

First Bridge Problem on the Blog

This is a problem from last night. You are my partner and we are playing our 1974 Max Hardy 2/1 style that I play with Dodie, Randolph, Todd, Brad, Bobbie, Patty, and soon to be Ron. You are in eighth place of 121 pairs with two boards to go. With no on vulnerable you pick up the following hand:

Spades 653
Hearts KJ62
Diamonds AK3
Clubs QJ8

The bidding is pass on your left, pass by me, 1C on your right, pass by you, 1H on your right, 2S by me, pass on your right.

What do you think I have and why?

What do you bid?

I hope everyone will consider contributing to this blog because I think we can have a lot of fun with it and we can probably all improve our bridge. This blog is not limited to bridge opinions; if you have a political opinion, you may express that too.

Thomas F. McDow


Oosman B said...

I would think between 3NT and 4S.
I think you didn't open 2S because either you have 4 Hearts too (in which case defence might get a heart ruff in 4S) OR you had a hand which fell between a 1S opener and 2S and you decided to see if partner has an opening hand.
Might be flawed reasoning, but with a 9 card spade fit and these outside values, surely partner has a top notch spade suit and nothing outside or Aces outside (which deterred him from opening 2S) and a not so good suit.

3NT for me, Hearts checked, Clubs stopped, and i expect Diamond Q10 with partner !

Thomas F. said...

I am glad someone finally posted a response. I want to wait for others before I publish the entire hand.

For the benefit of those of you who do not know him, Oosman is the president of the Yale Bridge Club and an up and coming star.

todd said...

TF, I'm putting you with five spades and 7-8 points (RHO with 12-13; LHO with 6-7). So I'm passing -- I envision a spade loser, a couple heart losers, and one or two losers in the minor suits.