Friday, June 22, 2007

Todd's Journalist Leads against a Notrump Contract

Several of you requested that this be posted. TFM

Notes on Journalist Leads by Lawrence Rosler & Jeff Rubens

Honor leads against NT

1) J and T leads give much more information to partner than standard leads.

a) In general --

Standard leads: Both J and T could be led from top of sequence OR interior sequence.
Journalist leads: Clarifies. J shows nothing higher; T shows something higher.

b) J/T leads help partner to decide whether to switch to a more promising suit:

Standard leads: West leads J; East might return the suit hoping to find higher honors.
Journalist leads: Seeing the J, East can evaluate whether to switch to his own suit.

c) Deceptive leads are easier with journalist leads:

Especially when on lead against 3NT holding all the defense's points and thus knowing partner has nothing:


AJT9x xx


Lead of the J; declarer wins first trick with the K, and then, when you get in again, you lead the T. Declarer might play low from Qx, intending to drop East's A from an assumed doubleton Ax.

d) Another example of how more info is given to partner with journalist leads:


QT985 K7643


Standard leads: East doesn't know if T was led from T985 or QT985.
Has to guess w/K, and might play low in order to preserve entry.
Journalist leads: East knows West has QTxx(x), ATxx(x), or AJTx(x), and so goes up with K.

2) A, K, and Q leads allow specific information to be exchanged on opening.

a) Leading the A asks for an unblock or, failing that, asks for count: no real difference here between standard and journalist leads.

b) Lead of the K asking for attitude: allows K lead from some holdings you would underlead in standard leads: KQxxx; AKxx

Allows you to keep your tempo and switch to another suit, when partner signals low.

c) Lead of the Q asking to drop the jack or, failing that, to show count: allows choice between lead of K or Q from holdings that are not treated differently in standard leads:

i) KQT9x
ii) KQTx

Standard leads: K led from both holdings.
Journalist leads: K led from (ii), as you don't need J to be dropped (you would rely on attitude signal instead); but Q will be led from (i), since drop of J (or its absence) will determine how to play the suit.

3) Lead of the 9

Standard: top of nothing
Journalist: 9 is only led from T9xx, T98xx, etc.


Lead: T AJ2 (your holding)

Dummy plays the 6. What does East do?

Standard leads: East doesn't know if T was led from T9xx(x) or KT9x(x).
Journalist leads: East knows West has KT9x(x). Overtakes with J, lays down A, returns 2.
This is all possible because from T9xx, West would have led the 9.

Note that 9 is never led from A98x, K987, etc. 9 shows the T and denies all other honors.

4) Rule of thumb

A, Q, and T (odd cards from the top) are power leads.
K, J, and 9 (even cards from the top) are weak leads.

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